Fresh Thinking to Help Fishermen in Colombia

It’s a rare case in which advertising for social impact can cause a complete cultural shift. But that’s what was needed to salvage the livelihoods of Colombian fishermen, who were being increasingly threatened by the invasive Lionfish. Chowing through a large chunk of their fish stocks, it was fast becoming a risk to national security.

So, in an attempt to encourage its consumption, the government turned to Colombia’s top chefs, and the Church, since most of the population is Catholic – in a move similar to that of Plastic Bank who plan to allow citizens to bring recyclables to their weekly service.

Geometry’s efforts follow their poster campaign that gave information about the Lionfish—toxicology, how to treat stings, where to find/ catch them – while doubling as (recylable polyethylene) nets when pulled apart.


After being introduced for sale for the first time in supermarkets, the Lionfish soon became part of the country’s daily diet. The prime minister also encouraged its consumption, especially during Easter Week, saving over 50,000 fish and other species per Lionfish.




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