Vac From The Sea

In an innovative initiative, Electrolux has made five fully-functional vacuum cleaners from plastic garbage reclaimed from the sea. This was done in order to highlight the huge problem our seas are facing with pollution and garbage, but also to raise awareness about the lack of recyclable plastics available on land. Built upon the base of Electrolux’s UltraOne Green vacuum cleaner, made from 70% industrially recycled post consumer plastics; this initiative not only raises awareness about plastic pollution but also about the UltraOne Green.

Electrolux collaborated with local clean-up teams to create vacuum cleaners that represented each of the five areas: The North Sea, The Indian Ocean, The Mediterranean Sea, The Pacific and The Baltic Sea.

By partnering with a cause in synergy with their market offering, Electrolux has created a very powerful piece of communication – their products clean your home and at the same time, Electrolux cares about cleaning up the oceans. Electrolux also proves with this initiative that they walk their talk – if they had just written a cheque to get a tax write-off, it somehow wouldn’t have the same impact.

“By building and exhibiting a limited number of UltraOnes, made from plastic debris like shark bitten bottles, we hope to highlight a pressing issue while breathing life into the subject of recycled plastic,” Cecilia Nord, Vice President – Floor Care Sustainability and Environmental Affairs.


According to Electrolux, over 250 million people have already been reached with this campaign and they hope to extend that even further; touring the vacuum cleaners across the world.

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