Our House is On Fire: Are We Sweating It Enough?

Although this powerful video came out in April 2020 we feel that, since our recent spotlight on COP26, it maintains its relevance and amplifies an urgent call to action today. #FridaysForFuture began in August 2018, inspired by Greta Thunberg and other activists and their countless and ongoing protests against the climate crisis.

The video highlights a “regular” family in suburbia going about their day in their home whilst completely oblivious to everything around them slowly burning down. The video is unsettling in itself, but even more so because it is a true depiction of what is happening to our planet because of our own blinkers. Greta Thunberg has stated multiple times that “Our house is on fire.” and encourages us all to do something about it.

Watch the video here.

What are you doing as an individual to assist with climate crisis? How did this video make you feel?


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