
Are you also getting tired of having to buy a new phone every 2nd year because it’s programmed to stop working, and do you secretly wish there was a more ethical alternative to your current use of electronics?

Introducing Fairphone: The world’s first ethical smartphone – fairer for the environment, fairer for the people who make it, and even fairer for the users!

So now there finally is an alternative for those of us who actually wants to walk-the-talk, the consumers who desire a phone that creates a positive social and environmental impact while also acting as a storytelling device, where owners become advocates for the brand’s objectives of changing the way electronics are made and used. Fairphone 2 is even modular, so you can repair it yourself.

It will be interesting to see if people will live up to those New Years resolutions or if they’re simply too in love with the strongly branded, image boosting, beautiful – yet fragile and short lasting – Iphones.


In May 2016 Fairphone reached 100.000 Fairphone owners, and what started as a small crowdfunded non-profit project with a goal of selling 5.000 units is now a full on competitor to big players in the market – even ahead of rivals like Google and LG with a truly modular handset!

Fairphone is changing the electronics market for the better – In the true spirit of Goodvertising!

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