
Men don’t talk about testicular cancer, but their testicles do.

Just because you are dealing with serious issues, you shouldn’t necessarily refrain from using humor. In fact, a little laugh or smile might actually get you the attention you need. Moreover, a positive angle may serve as a cheerful reminder or a reassuring pat on the shoulder rather than scaring people.

FCB Africa and the Cancer Association of South Africa made a creative campaign where testicles give amusing ‘testi-monials’ about cancer and how it affects them. Darryl’s surviving Righty talks about what happened when his best friend, Lefty, started looking a bit out of shape, and Jabu’s surviving Lefty talks about losing his brother.

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer for young men aged 15-39, and if monitored correctly the average survival rate is around 95 %. Early detection is vital, and since men don’t talk about stuff like their favorite soccer team losing, when they last cried during a movie, or well, their balls, it’s important to get creative to start the conversation about testicular cancer.

#havetheballs to talk about it!


Besides making people laugh out loud, this campaign aims to remove the awkwardness and get men to start talking. If testicular cancer is discovered already in stage 1, the survival rate will increase to 100 %.

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